英語で1日1フレーズ #7 Better late than never.



今回は「Better late than never.」です。



たとえば、締め切りや期限に間に合わなかったときに、「Better late than never.」と言うことで、現状をポジティブに捉えることができます。

また、友人が何か遅れたときに、「Better late than never! We’re just glad you made it.(遅れたけど、やってくれたのでそれで十分だよ)」と言うことができます。

ほかにも、新しい取り組みや挑戦を始めるのが遅いと思われそうなときに、「I finally started learning guitar at 40. Better late than never, I guess.(40歳でやっとギターを始めたんだ。遅すぎることはないと思う)」と言うことができるかもしれません。

英語の「Better late than never.」や日本語の「遅れてもやらないよりまし」という言葉の由来には諸説ありますが、紀元前27年頃には、すでにラテン語で「potius sero quam numquam(遅れるよりもやったほうが良い)」という言葉が存在していました。古代ローマの歴史家であるティトゥス・リウィウス(Titus Livius)が、『ローマ建国史(Ab Urbe Condita)』でこのフレーズを用いたとされています。
出典:better late than never – Wiktionary


「Better late than never.」は、日常生活や仕事、学業などの幅広い場面で使われ、たとえ遅れてしまったとしても、取り返しがつくことを示唆しています。つまり、完璧主義に囚われずに、遅くても行動したことに価値がある、という前向きな姿勢が含まれています。現在では、仕事やタスクの締め切り、約束や予定、メールの返信など、さまざまな場面で使われています。


今回のフレーズ、「Better late than never.」は、遅れても諦めるのではなく、行動を起こすこと、そしてその前向きな気持ちの大切さを教えてくれていますね。

Better late than never.


その他の英語フレーズ一覧 [開く]

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
A blessing in disguise.
A dime a dozen.
A feather in one's cap.
A penny for your thoughts.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
A watched pot never boils.
Add insult to injury.
All ears.
All is fair in love and war.
All thumbs.
As cool as a cucumber.
As high as a kite.
Back to square one.
Back to the drawing board.
Backseat driver.
Barking up the wrong tree.
Beat a dead horse.
Beat around the bush.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Better safe than sorry.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Bite off more than one can chew.
Bite the bullet.
Blood is thicker than water.
Break a leg.
Burn the midnight oil.
Call it a day.
Caught between a rock and a hard place.
Clean as a whistle.
Close, but no cigar.
Cost an arm and a leg.
Cut corners.
Cut to the chase.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Easy come, easy go.
Every dog has its day.
Fish out of water.
Fit as a fiddle.
Fortune favors the bold.
From rags to riches.
Get a taste of one's own medicine.
Get one's act together.
Get out of hand.
Give it a shot.
Give someone the benefit of the doubt.
Give someone the cold shoulder.
Go the extra mile.
Hit the hay.
Hit the nail on the head.
Hit the road.
Hit the sack.
Hold your horses.
Honesty is the best policy.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Ignorance is bliss.
In the blink of an eye.
In the heat of the moment.
In the twinkling of an eye.
It takes two to tango.
Jump on the bandwagon.
Jump the gun.
Jumping through hoops.
Jumping to conclusions.
Keep it under your hat.
Keep one's fingers crossed.
Keep your chin up.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Mind over matter.
On the ball.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Put a sock in it.
Success is a journey, not a destination.
The ball is in your court.
Under the weather.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
