






※同じ形容詞に複数の前置詞が使われる場合はまとめて紹介しています。例えば、good atとgood withには微妙なニュアンスの違いがありますが、「good at/with(~が得意である)」のようにまとめています。


1 able to
2 accused of
3 accustomed to
4 acquainted with
5 addicted to
6 afraid of
7 amazed at/by
8 angry at/with
9 annoyed at/by/with
10 anxious about
11 anxious for
12 ashamed of
13 associated with
14 attached to
15 available at
16 available for
17 available to
18 aware of
19 bad at
20 bad for
21 beneficial to
22 best at
23 best for
24 better at
25 better for
26 big on
27 bored with/by
28 busy with
29 capable of
30 careful about/of/with
31 careless about/of
32 certain about/of
33 clear about
34 clear of
35 comfortable in/with
36 common in
37 common to
38 compatible with
39 concerned about
40 concerned with
41 connected with
42 conscious of
43 content with
44 convenient for
45 correct in
46 crazy about
47 crowded with
48 curious about
49 curious to
50 dangerous for/to
51 delighted at/by/with
52 delighted to
53 depressed about/by
54 different from
55 different in
56 difficult to
57 disappointed in/with
58 disgusted with
59 disturbed by
60 eager for/to
61 early in
62 easy to
63 eligible for
64 enthusiastic about
65 envious of
66 excellent for
67 excited about/by
68 experienced in
69 exposed to
70 faithful to
71 familiar to
72 familiar with
73 famous for
74 fascinated by
75 fond of
76 free from/of
77 free to
78 friendly to
79 friendly with
80 frightened by/of
81 full of
82 furious at/with
83 generous to/with
84 gentle with
85 glad of/to
86 good at/with
87 good for
88 good to
89 grateful for
90 grateful to
91 great for
92 guilty about
93 guilty of
94 happy about/with
95 happy to
96 hard for
97 hard on
98 high in
99 high on
100 hopeful about/of
101 hot for/on
102 identical to/with
103 ill with
104 important for/to
105 impressed by/with
106 indifferent to
107 inferior to
108 innocent of
109 inspired by
110 interested in
111 interesting to
112 jealous of
113 keen for/to
114 keen on
115 kind to
116 known for
117 large in
118 late for/to
119 late in
120 likely to
121 limited to
122 low in/on
123 mad about
124 mad at
125 made in
126 made of/from
127 married to
128 mean to
129 nervous about
130 new to
131 nice to
132 obsessed with
133 open to
134 opposed to
135 patient with
136 pleased to
137 pleased with
138 polite to
139 popular with
140 possible to
141 preferable to
142 prepared for
143 present at
144 present in
145 proud of/to
146 qualified as
147 qualified for
148 ready for/to
149 reasonable to
150 related to
151 relevant to
152 renowned for
153 responsible for
154 right about
155 right for
156 rude to
157 sad about
158 sad to
159 safe from
160 same as
161 satisfied with
162 scared of/to
163 sensible of
164 sensitive to
165 serious about
166 shocked at/by
167 short for
168 short of
169 sick of
170 similar in
171 similar to
172 simple to
173 skilled at/in
174 slow in/to
175 small in
176 sorry about/for
177 strong in
178 successful in
179 suitable for
180 superior to
181 sure about/of
182 surprised at
183 surprised by
184 suspicious of
185 sympathetic to
186 thankful for/to
187 thirsty for
188 tired from
189 tired of
190 true for/of
191 true to
192 typical of
193 unkind to
194 upset about/by/with
195 useful in/to
196 weak in
197 wise in
198 worried about
199 wrong about/in
200 wrong with



品詞の組み合わせはOnline Collocation Dictionary、頻出度はGoogle Ngram Viewerを参考にしています。

よく使われる単語のつながりを覚えることで、自然な英語表現が身につくだけでなく、穴埋め問題やTOEICなどにも役立ちます。単語の組み合わせは無数に存在するため、ここで紹介しているコロケーションはあくまで一部にすぎません。例えば『Oxford Collocations Dictionary For Students of English』には、15万以上のコロケーションが収録されています。

